

目先の利益に目がくらむ って向こうさんの目論見通りじゃないか。


早く抜けるべし。自分の息子や孫の代はとんでもないことになるよ。見ただろ?あの首輪を。 あれが孫だったらどうするよ?









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This is just what Cxxxx had in mind when he said that we are blinded by short-term profits.

We should not be celebrating the New Year's Day or the anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations by painting the tower, the symbol of Japan, red.

We should get out of here as soon as possible. Your son or grandchild's generation will be in big trouble. Didn't you see it? That collar. What would you do if that was your grandchild?


The purpose of this program seemed to be that Japanese people still don't understand the horror of China at all. And at the head of the list of Japanese people who are so carefree is P.M. Kishida.



Masayuki Takayama, the main anchor of the program, mentioned that Shintaro Ishihara, who passed away the other day, had said, "Don't think about making money from China.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)