



今までロシアといえばボルシチ(もともとはウクライナ地方の料理らしい)、マトリューシカ、ウオッカウクライナといえばチェルノブイリ レベルの知識しかない。日本で言えばゲイシャ、フジヤマ、鳥居、え?忍者って今はいないの? のレベルだろう。








 それは日本の軍事力の源がそこにある、とアメリカが嫌というほど知っていたから です。




国民それぞれが「自分たちの国を大切にしていく」という自覚があるかな いかで、その国の軍事力は圧倒的に違ってきます。日本兵が他国から恐れられたのは





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Don't you feel it when you look at Ukraine today?


Until now, my knowledge of Russia has been at the level of borscht (originally a Ukrainian regional dish), matryushka, and vodka, and my knowledge of Ukraine has been at the level of Chernobyl. In Japan, I have only a limited knowledge of Geisha, Fujiyama, Torii, and what? Aren't there ninjas now? The level of the "Mere Old Man" is probably at the same level as the "Mere Old Man".

It is impossible to say which is good or evil.

So I question the one-sided direction of the media.

But The Russian attack is inhumane and I feel Ukraine loves its country. 


To begin with, Japan has a history of considering the happiness of the common people as the happiness of the nation. This is Japanese wisdom that has continued since ancient times, or even before that, from the Jomon period.




Why (blogger's note; after the war) was Japan's unique mythological education banned?
 It was because the U.S. knew to its disgust that the source of Japan's military power was there.



The military power of a country depends overwhelmingly on each citizen's awareness of the importance of his or her own country. Japanese soldiers were feared by other countries because
The only reason for this is that they were willing to fight to the bitter end in order to protect their country.


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