”国連”じゃなくてUnited Nations (連合国)




日本語で”国連”というと世界を股にかける正義の見方 みたいだが、英語名はUnited Nations すなわち連合国。 第2次世界対戦の戦勝国の利益を維持するための組織。






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It is as if the UN is saying itself that it is a useless and finished organization.


In Japanese, It sounds like a world-spanning justice system, but its English name is the United Nations, i.e., the Allied Powers. It is an organization to maintain the interests of the victorious nations in the Second World War.

There is no need for it.

It is hypocritical to translate the name "United Nations" in the first place. Don't pay money (taxes) to such an organization.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)